I reported again at 4.30am to help out at the age group world champs transition. The lowest point was witnessing an athlete struggling terribly with her wetsuit, knowing that I couldn't help. I'm not sure whether the zip was stuck, or whether she thought the zip was down but it was only down to her shoulder blades. Either way, I couldn't watch - I had to walk away and think about something else. This athlete had come out of the water in a seemingly good position in her age group.
I will, however, admit to helping an older gent who couldn't find his bike. He was amongst the last five athletes to enter T2 and couldn't find where to put his bike. I know I shouldn't have, but after a good five minutes of him searching up and down the racks, I helped him find the running shoes that awaited, and a gap for his bike. He thanked me for his help; I replied that when I'm 75 years old, I hope that someone helps me a little too.
On to the Juniors and Elite Women. You know the drill by now; athlete lounge (decals again) and then off to the start line. The juniors line up in their rank order rather than selecting their position, so I didn't need to note which athletes stood in my marshalled area, just make sure they toed the line and started correctly. The elite women were also fairly well behaved. It all happened very quickly - as expected the higher seeded women chose positions at either end of the pontoon, but I was responsible for Debbie Tanner and Annabel Luxford's start.
It didn't seem too long until we were cheering Emma Moffat over the line to win not only the grand final, but also the series.
All too soon it was time for the technical team to say goodbye over a quick beer, before I left them to their well deserved celebrations. We'd come from all over the world to put on a race for the world's best, and we'd done well.
Just on dark, I headed home for a well deserved sleep.